GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 7/17/08 Main meetings page Attendees Paul, Scott, Jennifer, June, Gail, Dixie, Hanan, Ian, Alan \ 1. Review of AIs
- Paul:* Look at list of new one pagers are available, Paul will add information in the next few days.
- Book owners:* Look through your books, identify task brainstorming sessions that would affect your books, send list to Paul. Book owners are listed in the GlassFish v3 doc plan. Open
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
- Soft code freeze is 8/4; we need to move quickly on any task analyses that need to be conducted for v3 Prelude; scheduling should start now
- Discussion about who's doing the Groovy on Grails work; resource TBD
3. Status of deliverables
- Not much to report now that TP2 and TP2 Refresh are done and we're ramping up on v3 Prelude
- June added the Admin Reference to the list for Prelude; we need to have something on the domain.xml file, since there's no DTD file for validation
- Adding modules and module elements is a manual process; discussion about where this should be doc'd (not really a dev task, not really an admin task); June and Dixie to coordinate so Admin Guide and Admin Ref fit together; the thought is that the Admin Guide will point to the Admin Ref (i.e., "if adding module x, add the elements for this module in the Admin Ref...")
- Discussion about who's doing the Comet and JRuby work; June will do Comet; JRuby resource TBD
4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set (in online versus PDF versions of the doc)
- We're in agreement on the list and should be implementing the guidelines as we write new content for v3
- Our editor is aware of the guidelines and will keep them in mind when editing the docs
5. Open mic - All
- Discussion about FishCAT, Community Acceptance Testing program for v3 Prelude to be announced next week (name might be CATFish, the name of an earlier program):
- Starts 8/18 and runs 4 weeks
- Community members earn points and win prizes for testing
- Doc testing is one component of FishCAT
- Which docs will be ready by the 8/18 start date? We may just provide a snapshot of our docs at that point and ask people to review them.
- We want to participate in this and benefit from the momentum around the FishCAT program (as opposed to doing separate testing of docs)
- Logistics of the reviews still being worked out (use the comment wiki or ?)
- Discussion about GlassFish docs IPS package:
- Didn't intend for package to contain SGML source
- Working on other issues (directory structure, etc.); another package should be available for testing Fri 7/18
- Intent is to overlay this on top of an existing GlassFish install
- Olga will now work with Paul on online help
6. Next meeting - All Thursday 7/24 2-3 PM PDT \ Main meetings page