GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 7/24/08

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Paul, Gail, Jennifer, Ian, Debbie, Scott, Dixie, June


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
  3. Status of deliverables
  4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set
  5. Open mic
  6. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

    • Paul:* Look at list of new features and propagate into the Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses table – Done.
    • June:* Contact Groovy and Grails SMEs and schedule the TA session – In progress; June has contacted the SMEs and is awaiting their response.

2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
Now that Paul has populated the table, writers should write scope statements, contact SMEs, find recorders, set up sessions, and add details to the table as was done for TP2.

3. Status of deliverables

  • Dixie - Admin Guide:
    • Change in assignments: Chinmayee now doing OSGi content, Dixie's doing monitoring. Dixie's looking at the spec, meeting with developers, working to get the Prelude chapter out for review. This is a big piece and requires online help, which is challenging because monitoring functionality is still in a state of flux for Prelude.
    • We still don't have the final list of CLI commands for Prelude.
      AI - Paul: Contact engineering team and request the final list of asadmin commands for the Prelude release. The list was to have been in the admin infrastructure spec but was not in the final version that was announced 7/21. Paul to ping the engineering team and ask where/when this info will be forthcoming.
  • June working on comms app server content for 8/7 release.

4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set (in online versus PDF versions of the doc)

  • We're all aware of these guidelines and should be following them for our GlassFish v3 work.
  • AI - Paul: Remove this as a standing item in the agenda and add the link to the Materials section on the main meeting page.

5. Open mic - All
Discussion about GlassFish docs IPS package; Ian will be checking in changes to the makefiles as discussed with Paul.

6. Next meeting - All
Thursday 7/31 2-3 PM PDT

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