
GlassFish Developer FAQ

This Developer FAQ lists frequently asked questions related to the development of the GlassFish application server and is for developers contributing bug fixes, new code, and other improvements to Project GlassFish. For FAQs related to the use of GlassFish and general questions about GlassFish itself, see the GlassFish User FAQ.

In true wiki and open source fashion, this Developer FAQ is a community effort. Help fill in the blanks, add new FAQs, and generally make this a valuable resource for you and other GlassFish developers.

This is a community resource. The success and usefulness of this FAQ depends on you. Please help by contributing new FAQs and updating and enhancing existing ones.

How to Contribute

For starters, add new FAQs of your own and enhance and update what's already here. This is a work in progress and your contributions are definitely needed. Be sure to read How do I contribute to this Developer FAQ?, which contains guidelines about content and format. Nothing too restrictive, just some things we should all pay attention to. Also check back periodically to see if you can answer any of the questions listed in the Developer FAQ Wish List section.

If you're new to wiki, see the One Minute Wiki and Text Formatting Rules. To test things out, try the Sand Box. And as always, remember your Wiki Etiquette.

If you have questions or suggestions about this FAQ, please contact You can subscribe to the list from the GlassFish mailing lists page.

Translation into other languages is also needed. See Translating User and Developer FAQs for details. The full Developer FAQ is currently available in Japanese. Translation into Italian is also underway.

Table of Contents

General topics

Specific topics (in alphabetical order)

About GlassFish

Community and Contribution

Documentation and Resources

General Build Information

General Development Information

GlassFish v2 Development

GlassFish v3 Development

License and Legal

This section is under construction




Usage Profiles

Developer FAQ Wish List

What's missing? What questions would you like to see answered that aren't? What are the top issues you run into for which having an FAQ would be
especially helpful? Please add those questions to this wish list! And if you know the answer to one or more of these questions, please provide it. Help make this a useful resource – for the community, by the community.

Questions for which answers are needed:

  • Your question here