Translating User and Developer FAQs The GlassFish User and Developer FAQs on the GlassFish wiki are in English and need to be translated into other languages to be of benefit to users and developers around the world. If you're fluent in another language and interested in translating the FAQs, your help is very much needed and welcomed. This page describes how to contribute translated FAQs. As with other contributions to the GlassFish wiki, the translated pages are governed by the wiki Terms of Use. This is a new effort and we're just starting to form the community and design the processes and structure. If you have thoughts or suggestions about any of this, please contact both the [doc team] and the [G11n team]. We'll need to refine things as we go along, and input from the GlassFish community is key to making it all work. Contributing Translated User and Developer FAQs
- Log in to the GlassFish wiki. See the login FAQ if you don't have a login and haven't yet joined the GlassFish wiki.
- Go to the FAQ Translation Status page, which lists what needs to be done. Find the table for your language and the FAQ page you want to translate.
- On the FAQ Translation Status page, click Edit (you must be logged in to see this option), then add your name and e-mail address in the Owner/Author column and preview and save the page. This lets other people know that somebody else is working on this translation and prevents duplication of effort. Providing your e-mail address or contact information allows other community members working on translation to get in touch with you and also makes it possible to appropriately acknowledge and recognize your contribution.
- On the FAQ Translation Status page, go to the table for your language, then click the link for the page you're going to translate in the Source Page column. This displays the source page, in English.
- Click Edit on that source page (again, you must be logged in to see this option), copy and paste the wiki markup to a text file, and then click Cancel in the Edit view. Note: This is very important! You do not want to overwrite the content in the English source file with your translated content.
- Create a new wiki page for your translated FAQ, adding the appropriate language code to the end of the existing source page name (examples below). For instance, one way to create the new page:
- Enter the new page name in your browser's Location Bar. For example, in the URL, change GlassFishUserFAQ to GlassFishUserFAQJa, where GlassFishUserFAQJa is the new page for the Japanese version of the English source page. Another example would be changing the page FaqContributeToUserFAQ to FaqContributeToUserFAQJa. Be sure to follow that convention for all page names (FaqTitleLanguage).
- Press Return/Enter, and then opt to create the new page when prompted.
- Copy and paste the English source markup from your text file (step 5) into the new FAQ page, then translate, review, and save the translated page. (There are other possible workflows for this. For instance, you might choose to translate the source in your text file first, then copy and paste the translated content into the new FAQ page.)
- When the page is done, go to the FAQ Translation Status page, find the table for your language, and add a link to the completed translated page in the Translated Page column.
- Contact the [doc team] and let us know that the translation is done. Then, start the process all over again with another page!
Other Translation Projects Other GlassFish translation projects are also underway. For more information, see the G11n project page.