Welcome to the Globalization (G11N) Community

Who we are

This is the globalization community that consists of people from Sun and outside of Sun, who are committed to and passionate about Glassfish localization

Our goal

Localize Glassfish products for users in different countries of the world

General Information

  1. We welcome community members to join us in contributing to the localization of the Glassfish products.
  2. To contribute, you will need to read GlassFish project governance policy, sign Sun Contributor Agreement (SCA) and send the signed agreement to Sun following this process.
  3. Join Gloablization community alias for project communication: g11n@glassfish.java.net
  4. Open-sourced Glassfish v3 is the current project for localization. Community members are encouraged to translate into their languages.
  5. We will provide an easy-to-use translation tool for software translation. The tool leverages the existing translation to help translation consistency and accuracy.

How to Get Started

  • After you sign and send the SCA, check the available projects below and decide what you can contribute.
  • Send email to G11n community alias that you want to contribute...

G11n Projects Available for Your Contribution(Top Contributor List)

GlassFish wiki User and Developer FAQs

A separate translation project is also underway for the User and Developer FAQs on the GlassFish wiki. For more information about contributing to that effort, see Translating GlassFish User and Developer FAQs.

Glassfish i18n and l10n Testing

Glassfish v3 localized builds will be provided for testing. You can help test both the i18n and l10n aspects of the products. Please refer to the L10nTestInstruction and v3 EA Software Schedulefor more details.

Glassfish Web pages/documents translation

Please visit this page for information. Contributing your original documents are also welcome. Please contact us.

Blogs (This project is limited to contribution from within Sun)

These blogs on Glassfish provide up to date information on Glassfish and they have been translated. They provide localized news about GlassFish and related technologies and are popular with Glassfish users. You are encouraged to write about GlassFish in your own blogs. If you have GlassFish related entries, please let us know so we can list them here.

Glassfish v3 EA Software Translation (Completed)

In this project, the main task is to translate the Glassfish v3 EA product components. Please see the project information and Translation Process and v3 EA Software Schedule .

G11n Projects Communication