Hyperjaxb3 Community Wiki

Welcome to Hyperjaxb3 Community Wiki.

Hyperjaxb3 is a plugin for JAXB 2 which augments the generated classes with JPA/EJB3 annotations.
This essentially makes you schema-derived classes persistable. With Hyperjaxb3, you'll be able to save your schema objects into a relational database and load them back. Being JPA-based, Hyperjaxb3 also allows you for querying the database using JPA query language (JPQL).

Hereby, Hyperjaxb3 implements relational persistence for JAXB objects.



  • [0.2|^Hyperjaxb3Release0.2]
  • [0.3|^Hyperjaxb3Release0.3]

Apparently, this page is way out of date.  As of 8/3/2010, Hyperjaxb3 is at version 0.55 and its home page is here:


Posted by langles at Aug 03, 2010 12:47