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# @(#)HelloWorldMessage.rb 1.0 11/06/08
# The HelloWorldMessage.rb consists only of a main method, which sends
# a message to a queue and then receives the message from the queue.
require "java"
# Import the JMS API classes.
include_class "javax.jms.Session"
include_class "com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory"
include_class "com.sun.messaging.Queue"
class HelloWorldMessage
def run
# Instantiate a Sun Message Queue ConnectionFactory
myConnFactory = ConnectionFactory.new
# Create a connection to the Sun Message Queue Message service
myConn = myConnFactory.createConnection()
# Create a session within the connection
mySess = myConn.createSession(false, Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
# Instantiate a System Message Queue Destination
myQueue = Queue.new("world")
# Create a message producer
myMsgProducer = mySess.createProducer(myQueue)
# Create and send a message to the queue
myTextMsg = mySess.createTextMessage()
myTextMsg.setText("Hello World")
puts "Sending Message: " + myTextMsg.getText()
# Create a message consumer
myMsgConsumer = mySess.createConsumer(myQueue)
# Start the Connection
# Receive a message from the queue
txtMsg = myMsgConsumer.receive()
# Retreive the contents of the message
puts "Read Message: " + txtMsg.getText()
# Close the session and connection resources
helloApp = HelloWorldMessage.new