When you've figured out how the editor works, then you should read WikiEtiquette so that you would know how to use your newly acquired skills... Quick reference
---- = Make a horizontal ruler. Extra '-' is ignored. \\ = force a line break, \\\=force line break and clear. [link] = creates a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called 'Link'. [this is also a link] = creates a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called 'ThisIsAlsoALink'. [click here|link] = creates a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called 'Link', but displays the text 'click here' to the user instead of 'Link'. [1] = Makes a reference to a footnote numbered 1. [#1] = Marks the footnote number 1. [[link] = creates text '[link]'. !heading = small heading with text 'heading' !!heading = medium heading with text 'heading' !!!heading = large heading with text 'heading' ''text'' = prints 'text' in italic. __text__ = prints 'text' in bold. {{text}} = prints 'text' in monospaced font. * text = makes a bulleted list item with 'text' # text = makes a numbered list item with 'text' ;term:ex = makes a definition for 'term' with the explanation 'ex' You don't need to know anything about the Wiki text formatting rules to use Wiki. Just write normal text, and then use an empty line to mark a paragraph. You can always Edit this page (look at the left sidebar) to see how the different Adding picturesYou can embed any image in the wiki code by putting the image available somewhere on the web in one of the allowed formats, and then just linking to it. If you specify a link text (Cannot resolve external resource into attachment.) it becomes You can also attach an image, and refer to it as if it were any other page. See WikiAttachments for more information. If you need more layout control (or things like captions), check out the Image -plugin. It can do oodles more than just simple embedding. The list of accepted image types depends on the Wiki. See the SystemInfo HeadingsJSPWiki gives you three kinds of headings: A small one (denoted by starting a line with a single exclamation mark '!'), a medium-sized one (two exclamation marks), or a large one (three marks). All headings also generate a "named anchor", so that you can refer from other wikipages to this wikipage. See Named Headings for more information. Bulleted listsUse an asterisk * One * Two * Three ** Three.One creates
Numbered listsJust like with bulleted lists, but use a hash (#) instead of the asterisk. Like this: # One # Two # Three ## Three.One creates
If you want to write the list item on multiple lines, just add one or more spaces on the next line and the line will be automatically added to the
We continue the second sentence on a line on a line of its own.
Definition lists and commentsA simple way to make definition lists is to use the ';:' -construct:
Another nice use for the ';:' is that you can use it to comment shortly on other people's text, by having an empty 'term' in the definition, like this: ;:''Comment here.'' Which would be seen as Text effectsYou may use bold text or italic text, by using two underscores (_) and two single quotes ('), respectively. If you're on a Windows computer, make sure that you are using the correct quote sign, as there is one that looks the same, but really isn't. Preformatted textIf you want to add preformatted text (like code) just use three consecutive braces (
Unknown macro: {) to open a block, and three consecutive braces (}
) to close a block. Edit this page for an example. Linking aroundLinks are an integral part of Wikis. Linking to a WikiPageJust type the name of the page within brackets: [Like this|[Likethis]. This will create automatically a link to a page. Note also that this Wiki can be configured to support standard CamelCase linking (if it's supported, the word CamelCase should be a link). It's off by default, but if your friendly administrator has turned it on, then well, CamelCase all you want =). Linking to external sitesThe link can also be a direct URL starting with http:, ftp:, , https:, or news:, in which case the link points to an external entity. For example, to point at the java.sun.com home page, use [http://java.sun.com], which becomes http://java.sun.com/ or [Java home page|http://java.sun.com], which becomes Java home page. FootnotesThese are a special kind of hyperlink. By using nothing but a number inside You can also make a named footnote, just as if you were doing a normal hyperlink. For example, this refers to the same footnote Footnote number 1 as the footnote above, but this refers to another footnote 2 . InterWiki linksYou can also do links between different Wikis without knowing the URL. Just use a link in the form [Wiki:WikiPage] and JSPWiki will create a link for you. For example, this link points to the JSPWiki TextFormatting rules. Check the SystemInfo page for more information on which Wiki links are available. If an InterWiki link is not supported, you'll get a notification of it on the page when TablesYou can do simple tables by using using pipe signs ('|'). Use double pipe For example: || Heading 1 || Heading 2 | ''Gobble'' | Bar | [Main] | [SandBox] gives you the following table. Note how you can use links also inside tables.
Hi there! %%commentbox <text> %% In addition to the simple styles represented by the WikiMarkup, we also allow you to put in your own styles. For example: %%small This is small text %% uses the defined CSS style called "small", as defined in the jspwiki.css file. These may vary from site to site, and it is up to the site administrator to define a style. You can also define almost any CSS style command: %%( font-size: 150%; color: red; ) Hello, world! %% would render as: NOTE You have to mark the end of the text you want to finish being styled using %% Managing your Wiki |