Interface PartialStateHolder

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public interface PartialStateHolder
extends StateHolder

Components that want to leverage the partial state saving feature must implement this interface instead of implementing StateHolder, from which this interface inherits.


Method Summary
 void clearInitialState()

Reset the PartialStateHolder to a non-delta tracking state.

 boolean initialStateMarked()

Return true if delta state changes are being tracked, otherwise false

 void markInitialState()

The runtime must ensure that the markInitialState() method is called on each instance of this interface in the view at the appropriate time to indicate the component is in its initial state.

Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
isTransient, restoreState, saveState, setTransient

Method Detail


void markInitialState()

The runtime must ensure that the markInitialState() method is called on each instance of this interface in the view at the appropriate time to indicate the component is in its initial state. The implementor of the interface must ensure that initialStateMarked() returns true from the time markInitialState() is called until clearInitialState() is called, after which time initialStateMarked() must return false. Also, during the time that the instance returns true from initialStateMarked(), the implementation must return only the state that has changed in its implementation of StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext).



boolean initialStateMarked()

Return true if delta state changes are being tracked, otherwise false



void clearInitialState()

Reset the PartialStateHolder to a non-delta tracking state.


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