Class UIViewRoot

  extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended by javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, UniqueIdVendor, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder

public class UIViewRoot
extends UIComponentBase
implements UniqueIdVendor

UIViewRoot is the UIComponent that represents the root of the UIComponent tree. This component renders markup as the response to Ajax requests. It also serves as the root of the component tree, and as a place to hang per-view PhaseListeners.

For each of the following lifecycle phase methods:

Take the following action regarding PhaseListeners.

Field Summary
          The standard component family for this component.
static String COMPONENT_TYPE
          The standard component type for this component.
static String UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX
          The prefix that will be used for identifiers generated by the createUniqueId() method.

The key in the value set of the view metadata BeanDescriptor, the value of which is a List<UIViewParameter.Reference>.

Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
Constructor Summary
          Create a new UIViewRoot instance with default property values.
Method Summary
 void addComponentResource(FacesContext context, UIComponent componentResource)

Add argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view.

 void addComponentResource(FacesContext context, UIComponent componentResource, String target)

Add argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view.

 void addPhaseListener(PhaseListener newPhaseListener)
          Add the argument newPhaseListener to the list of PhaseListeners on this UIViewRoot.
 void broadcastEvents(FacesContext context, PhaseId phaseId)

Broadcast any events that have been queued.

 String createUniqueId()
          Generate an identifier for a component.
 String createUniqueId(FacesContext context, String seed)
          Generate an identifier for a component.
 void encodeBegin(FacesContext context)
          Override the default UIComponentBase.encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) behavior.
 void encodeChildren(FacesContext context)

If PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() returns true, perform partial rendering by calling PartialViewContext.processPartial(javax.faces.event.PhaseId) with PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE.

 void encodeEnd(FacesContext context)

If getAfterPhaseListener() returns non-null, invoke it, passing a PhaseEvent for the PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE phase.

 javax.el.MethodExpression getAfterPhaseListener()
          Return the MethodExpression that will be invoked after this view is rendered.
 javax.el.MethodExpression getBeforePhaseListener()
          Return the MethodExpression that will be invoked before this view is rendered.
 List<UIComponent> getComponentResources(FacesContext context, String target)

Return an unmodifiable List of UIComponents for the provided target agrument.

 String getFamily()
          Return the identifier of the component family to which this component belongs.
 Locale getLocale()
          Return the Locale to be used in localizing the response being created for this view.
 List<PhaseListener> getPhaseListeners()

Return an unmodifiable list of the PhaseListener instances attached to this UIViewRoot instance.

 String getRenderKitId()
          Return the render kit identifier of the RenderKit associated with this view.
 boolean getRendersChildren()

Call UIComponentBase.getRendersChildren() If PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() returns true this method must return true.

 String getViewId()
          Return the view identifier for this view.
 List<SystemEventListener> getViewListenersForEventClass(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent)

Return the SystemEventListener instances registered on this UIComponent instance that are interested in events of type eventClass.

 Map<String,Object> getViewMap()

This implementation simply calls through to getViewMap(boolean), passing true as the argument, and returns the result.

 Map<String,Object> getViewMap(boolean create)

Returns a Map that acts as the interface to the data store that is the "view scope", or, if this instance does not have such a Map and the create argument is true, creates one and returns it.

 boolean isInView()

Return trues.

 void processApplication(FacesContext context)
          Broadcast any events that have been queued for the Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle and to clear out any events for later phases if the event processing for this phase caused FacesContext.renderResponse() or FacesContext.responseComplete() to be called.
 void processDecodes(FacesContext context)
 void processRestoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)

The default implementation must call UIComponentBase.processRestoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) from within a try block.

 void processUpdates(FacesContext context)
 void processValidators(FacesContext context)
 void queueEvent(FacesEvent event)
          Override the default UIComponentBase.queueEvent(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent) behavior to accumulate the queued events for later broadcasting.
 void removeComponentResource(FacesContext context, UIComponent componentResource)

Remove argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view.

 void removeComponentResource(FacesContext context, UIComponent componentResource, String target)

Remove argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view.

 void removePhaseListener(PhaseListener toRemove)
          If the argument toRemove is in the list of PhaseListeners for this instance, it must be removed.
 void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
           Perform any processing required to restore the state from the entries in the state Object.
 Object saveState(FacesContext context)
           Gets the state of the instance as a Serializable Object.
 void setAfterPhaseListener(javax.el.MethodExpression newAfterPhase)
          Allow an arbitrary method to be called for the "afterPhase" event as the UIViewRoot runs through its lifecycle.
 void setBeforePhaseListener(javax.el.MethodExpression newBeforePhase)
          Allow an arbitrary method to be called for the "beforePhase" event as the UIViewRoot runs through its lifecycle.
 void setInView(boolean isInView)

Overridden to take no action.

 void setLocale(Locale locale)
          Set the Locale to be used in localizing the response being created for this view.
 void setRenderKitId(String renderKitId)
          Set the render kit identifier of the RenderKit associated with this view.
 void setViewId(String viewId)
          Set the view identifier for this view.
 void subscribeToViewEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent, SystemEventListener listener)

Install the listener instance referenced by argument listener into the UIViewRoot as a listener for events of type systemEventClass.

 void unsubscribeFromViewEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent, SystemEventListener listener)

Remove the listener instance referenced by argument listener from the UIViewRoot as a listener for events of type systemEventClass.

Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addClientBehavior, addFacesListener, broadcast, clearInitialState, decode, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientBehaviors, getClientId, getDefaultEventName, getEventNames, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getValueBinding, invokeOnComponent, isRendered, isTransient, markInitialState, processSaveState, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
encodeAll, getClientId, getCompositeComponentParent, getContainerClientId, getCurrentComponent, getCurrentCompositeComponent, getListenersForEventClass, getNamingContainer, getResourceBundleMap, getStateHelper, getStateHelper, getValueExpression, initialStateMarked, isCompositeComponent, isVisitable, popComponentFromEL, processEvent, pushComponentToEL, setValueExpression, subscribeToEvent, unsubscribeFromEvent, visitTree
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String METADATA_FACET_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String VIEW_PARAMETERS_KEY

The key in the value set of the view metadata BeanDescriptor, the value of which is a List<UIViewParameter.Reference>.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

The standard component type for this component.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY

The standard component family for this component.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX

The prefix that will be used for identifiers generated by the createUniqueId() method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UIViewRoot()

Create a new UIViewRoot instance with default property values.

Method Detail


public boolean isInView()

Return trues.

isInView in class UIComponent


public void setInView(boolean isInView)

Overridden to take no action.

setInView in class UIComponent
isInView -


public String getFamily()
Description copied from class: UIComponent

Return the identifier of the component family to which this component belongs. This identifier, in conjunction with the value of the rendererType property, may be used to select the appropriate Renderer for this component instance.

Specified by:
getFamily in class UIComponent
See Also:


public String getRenderKitId()

Return the render kit identifier of the RenderKit associated with this view. Unless explicitly set, as in ViewHandler.createView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String), the returned value will be null.


public void setRenderKitId(String renderKitId)

Set the render kit identifier of the RenderKit associated with this view. This method may be called at any time between the end of Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle (i.e. when events are being broadcast) and the beginning of the Render Response phase.

renderKitId - The new RenderKit identifier, or null to disassociate this view with any specific RenderKit instance


public String getViewId()

Return the view identifier for this view.


public void setViewId(String viewId)

Set the view identifier for this view.

viewId - The new view identifier


public javax.el.MethodExpression getBeforePhaseListener()

Return the MethodExpression that will be invoked before this view is rendered.

the MethodExpression that will be invoked before this view is rendered.


public void setBeforePhaseListener(javax.el.MethodExpression newBeforePhase)

Allow an arbitrary method to be called for the "beforePhase" event as the UIViewRoot runs through its lifecycle. This method will be called for all phases except PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW. Unlike a true PhaseListener, this approach doesn't allow for only receiving PhaseEvents for a given phase.

The method must conform to the signature of PhaseListener.beforePhase(javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent).

newBeforePhase - the MethodExpression that will be invoked before this view is rendered.


public javax.el.MethodExpression getAfterPhaseListener()

Return the MethodExpression that will be invoked after this view is rendered.

the MethodExpression that will be invoked after this view is rendered.


public void setAfterPhaseListener(javax.el.MethodExpression newAfterPhase)

Allow an arbitrary method to be called for the "afterPhase" event as the UIViewRoot runs through its lifecycle. This method will be called for all phases including PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW. Unlike a true PhaseListener, this approach doesn't allow for only receiving PhaseEvents for a given phase.

The method must conform to the signature of PhaseListener.afterPhase(javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent).

newAfterPhase - the MethodExpression that will be invoked after this view is rendered.


public void removePhaseListener(PhaseListener toRemove)

If the argument toRemove is in the list of PhaseListeners for this instance, it must be removed.

toRemove - the PhaseListener to remove.


public void addPhaseListener(PhaseListener newPhaseListener)

Add the argument newPhaseListener to the list of PhaseListeners on this UIViewRoot.

newPhaseListener - the PhaseListener to add


public List<PhaseListener> getPhaseListeners()

Return an unmodifiable list of the PhaseListener instances attached to this UIViewRoot instance.



public void addComponentResource(FacesContext context,
                                 UIComponent componentResource)

Add argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view. A resource instance is rendered by a resource Renderer, as described in the Standard HTML RenderKit. The default implementation must call through to addComponentResource(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIComponent, java.lang.String).

context - FacesContext for the current request
componentResource - The UIComponent representing a Resource instance


public void addComponentResource(FacesContext context,
                                 UIComponent componentResource,
                                 String target)

Add argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view. A resource instance is rendered by a resource Renderer, as described in the Standard HTML RenderKit.

The component must be added using the following algorithm:

  • If the target argument is null, look for a target attribute on the component. If there is no target attribute, set target to be the default value head

  • Call getComponentResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String) to obtain the child list for the given target.

  • If the component ID of componentResource matches the the ID of a resource that has allready been added, remove the old resource.

  • Add the component resource to the list.

context - FacesContext for the current request
componentResource - The UIComponent representing a Resource instance
target - The name of the facet for which the UIComponent will be added


public List<UIComponent> getComponentResources(FacesContext context,
                                               String target)

Return an unmodifiable List of UIComponents for the provided target agrument. Each component in the List is assumed to represent a resource instance.

The default implementation must use an algorithm equivalent to the the following.

  • Locate the facet for the component by calling getFacet() using target as the argument.
  • If the facet is not found, create the facet by calling context.getApplication().createComponent() using javax.faces.Panel as the argument
    • Set the id of the facet to be target
    • Add the facet to the facets Map using target as the key
  • return the children of the facet

target - The name of the facet for which the components will be returned.
A List of UIComponent children of the facet with the name target. If no children are found for the facet, return Collections.emptyList().
NullPointerException - if target or context is null


public void removeComponentResource(FacesContext context,
                                    UIComponent componentResource)

Remove argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view.

context - FacesContext for the current request
componentResource - The UIComponent representing a Resource instance


public void removeComponentResource(FacesContext context,
                                    UIComponent componentResource,
                                    String target)

Remove argument component, which is assumed to represent a resource instance, as a resource to this view. A resource instance is rendered by a resource Renderer, as described in the Standard HTML RenderKit.

The component must be removed using the following algorithm:

context - FacesContext for the current request
componentResource - The UIComponent representing a Resource instance
target - The name of the facet for which the UIComponent will be added


public void queueEvent(FacesEvent event)

Override the default UIComponentBase.queueEvent(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent) behavior to accumulate the queued events for later broadcasting.

queueEvent in class UIComponentBase
event - FacesEvent to be queued
IllegalStateException - if this component is not a descendant of a UIViewRoot
NullPointerException - if event is null


public void broadcastEvents(FacesContext context,
                            PhaseId phaseId)

Broadcast any events that have been queued. First broadcast events that have been queued for PhaseId.ANY_PHASE. Then broadcast ane events that have been queued for the current phase. In both cases, UIComponent.pushComponentToEL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIComponent) must be called before the event is broadcast, and UIComponent.popComponentFromEL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) must be called after the return from the broadcast, even in the case of an exception.

context - FacesContext for the current request
phaseId - PhaseId of the current phase


public void processRestoreState(FacesContext context,
                                Object state)

The default implementation must call UIComponentBase.processRestoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) from within a try block. The try block must have a finally block that ensures that no FacesEvents remain in the event queue, and that the this.UIComponent.visitTree(javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext, javax.faces.component.visit.VisitCallback) is called, passing a ContextCallback that takes the following action: call the UIComponent.processEvent(javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) method of the current component. The argument event must be an instance of PostRestoreStateEvent whose component property is the current component in the traversal.

processRestoreState in class UIComponentBase
context - the FacesContext for this requets
state - the opaque state object obtained from the StateManager


public void processDecodes(FacesContext context)

Perform partial processing by calling PartialViewContext.processPartial(javax.faces.event.PhaseId) with PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES if:

Perform full processing by calling UIComponentBase.processDecodes(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) if one of the following conditions are met:

Override the default UIComponentBase.processDecodes(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) behavior to broadcast any queued events after the default processing or partial processing has been completed and to clear out any events for later phases if the event processing for this phase caused FacesContext.renderResponse() or FacesContext.responseComplete() to be called.

processDecodes in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
NullPointerException - if context is null


public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context)
                 throws IOException

Override the default UIComponentBase.encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) behavior. If getBeforePhaseListener() returns non-null, invoke it, passing a PhaseEvent for the PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE phase. If the internal list populated by calls to addPhaseListener(javax.faces.event.PhaseListener) is non-empty, any listeners in that list must have their PhaseListener.beforePhase(javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent) method called, passing the PhaseEvent. Any errors that occur during invocation of any of the the beforePhase listeners must be logged and swallowed. After listeners are invoked call superclass processing.

encodeBegin in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the response we are creating
IOException - if an input/output error occurs while rendering


public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context)
                    throws IOException

If PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() returns true, perform partial rendering by calling PartialViewContext.processPartial(javax.faces.event.PhaseId) with PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE. If PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() returns false, delegate to the parent UIComponentBase.encodeChildren(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) method.

encodeChildren in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the response we are creating
IOException - if an input/output error occurs while rendering


public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context)
               throws IOException

If getAfterPhaseListener() returns non-null, invoke it, passing a PhaseEvent for the PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE phase. Any errors that occur during invocation of the afterPhase listener must be logged and swallowed. If the current view has view parameters, as indicated by a non-empty and non-UnsupportedOperationException throwing return from ViewDeclarationLanguage.getViewMetadata(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, String), call UIViewParameter.encodeAll(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) on each parameter. If calling getViewParameters() causes UnsupportedOperationException to be thrown, the exception must be silently swallowed.

encodeEnd in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the response we are creating
IOException - if an input/output error occurs while rendering


public boolean getRendersChildren()

Call UIComponentBase.getRendersChildren() If PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() returns true this method must return true.

getRendersChildren in class UIComponentBase


public void processValidators(FacesContext context)

Perform partial processing by calling PartialViewContext.processPartial(javax.faces.event.PhaseId) with PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS if:

Perform full processing by calling UIComponentBase.processValidators(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) if one of the following conditions are met:

Override the default UIComponentBase.processValidators(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) behavior to broadcast any queued events after the default processing or partial processing has been completed and to clear out any events for later phases if the event processing for this phase caused FacesContext.renderResponse() or FacesContext.responseComplete() to be called.

processValidators in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
NullPointerException - if context is null


public void processUpdates(FacesContext context)

Perform partial processing by calling PartialViewContext.processPartial(javax.faces.event.PhaseId) with PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES if:

Perform full processing by calling UIComponentBase.processUpdates(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) if one of the following conditions are met:

Override the default UIComponentBase behavior to broadcast any queued events after the default processing or partial processing has been completed and to clear out any events for later phases if the event processing for this phase caused FacesContext.renderResponse() or FacesContext.responseComplete() to be called.

processUpdates in class UIComponentBase
context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
NullPointerException - if context is null


public void processApplication(FacesContext context)

Broadcast any events that have been queued for the Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle and to clear out any events for later phases if the event processing for this phase caused FacesContext.renderResponse() or FacesContext.responseComplete() to be called.

context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
NullPointerException - if context is null


public String createUniqueId()

Generate an identifier for a component. The identifier will be prefixed with UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX, and will be unique within this UIViewRoot.


public String createUniqueId(FacesContext context,
                             String seed)

Generate an identifier for a component. The identifier will be prefixed with UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX, and will be unique within this UIViewRoot. Optionally, a unique seed value can be supplied by component creators which should be included in the generated unique id.

Specified by:
createUniqueId in interface UniqueIdVendor
context - FacesContext
seed - an optional seed value - e.g. based on the position of the component in the VDL-template
a unique-id in this component-container


public Locale getLocale()

Return the Locale to be used in localizing the response being created for this view.


If we have a locale ivar, return it. If we have a value expression for "locale", get its value. If the value is null, return the result of calling ViewHandler.calculateLocale(javax.faces.context.FacesContext). If the value is an instance of java.util.Locale return it. If the value is a String, convert it to a java.util.Locale and return it. If there is no value expression for "locale", return the result of calling ViewHandler.calculateLocale(javax.faces.context.FacesContext).

The current Locale obtained by executing the above algorithm.


public void setLocale(Locale locale)

Set the Locale to be used in localizing the response being created for this view.

locale - The new localization Locale


public Map<String,Object> getViewMap()

This implementation simply calls through to getViewMap(boolean), passing true as the argument, and returns the result.



public Map<String,Object> getViewMap(boolean create)

Returns a Map that acts as the interface to the data store that is the "view scope", or, if this instance does not have such a Map and the create argument is true, creates one and returns it. This map must be instantiated lazily and cached for return from subsequent calls to this method on this UIViewRoot instance. Application.publishEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) must be called, passing PostConstructViewMapEvent.class as the first argument and this UIViewRoot instance as the second argument.

The returned Map must be implemented such that calling clear() on the Map causes Application.publishEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) to be called, passing PreDestroyViewMapEvent.class as the first argument and this UIViewRoot instance as the second argument.

See FacesContext.setViewRoot(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot) for the specification of when the clear() method must be called.

create - true to create a new Map for this instance if necessary; false to return null if there's no current Map.


public void subscribeToViewEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent,
                                 SystemEventListener listener)

Install the listener instance referenced by argument listener into the UIViewRoot as a listener for events of type systemEventClass.

Note that installed listeners are not maintained as part of the UIViewRoot's state.

systemEvent - the Class of event for which listener must be fired.
listener - the implementation of SystemEventListener whose SystemEventListener.processEvent(javax.faces.event.SystemEvent) method must be called when events of type systemEventClass are fired.
NullPointerException - if systemEventClass or listener are null.


public void unsubscribeFromViewEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent,
                                     SystemEventListener listener)

Remove the listener instance referenced by argument listener from the UIViewRoot as a listener for events of type systemEventClass.

systemEvent - the Class of event for which listener must be fired.
listener - the implementation of SystemEventListener whose SystemEventListener.processEvent(javax.faces.event.SystemEvent) method must be called when events of type systemEventClass are fired.
NullPointerException - if systemEventClass or listener are null.


public List<SystemEventListener> getViewListenersForEventClass(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEvent)

Return the SystemEventListener instances registered on this UIComponent instance that are interested in events of type eventClass.

systemEvent - the Class of event for which the listeners must be returned.
NullPointerException - if argument systemEvent is null.


public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
Description copied from interface: StateHolder

Gets the state of the instance as a Serializable Object.

If the class that implements this interface has references to instances that implement StateHolder (such as a UIComponent with event handlers, validators, etc.) this method must call the StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) method on all those instances as well. This method must not save the state of children and facets. That is done via the StateManager

This method must not alter the state of the implementing object. In other words, after executing this code:

 Object state = component.saveState(facesContext);

component should be the same as before executing it.

The return from this method must be Serializable

Specified by:
saveState in interface StateHolder
saveState in class UIComponentBase


public void restoreState(FacesContext context,
                         Object state)
Description copied from interface: StateHolder

Perform any processing required to restore the state from the entries in the state Object.

If the class that implements this interface has references to instances that also implement StateHolder (such as a UIComponent with event handlers, validators, etc.) this method must call the StateHolder.restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) method on all those instances as well.

Specified by:
restoreState in interface StateHolder
restoreState in class UIComponentBase

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