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Chapter 20. Monitoring and Management

Table of Contents

20.1. Introduction to Metro JMX Monitoring
20.2. Enabling and Disabling Monitoring
20.2.1. Enabling and disabling Metro monitoring via system properties
20.2.2. Enabling and disabling endpoint monitoring via policy
20.2.3. Enabling and disabling client monitoring via policy
20.3. Monitoring Identifiers
20.3.1. Endpoint Monitoring Identifiers
20.3.2. Client monitoring identifiers
20.3.3. Identifier Character Mapping
20.3.4. Resolving Monitoring Root Name Conflicts
20.4. Available Monitoring Information
20.4.1. WSClient Information
20.4.2. WSEndpoint Information
20.4.3. WSNonceManager Information
20.4.4. WSRMSCSessionManager Information
20.4.5. WSRMSequenceManager Information
20.5. Notes

20.1. Introduction to Metro JMX Monitoring

JMX monitoring and management is built into Metro-based services and clients. Monitoring allows one to view the state of parts of Metro runtime system while it is in operation. Management allows one to change values dynamically. The rest of this document will refer to Metro monitoring and management as simply "monitoring".

Metro monitoring should not be confused with Metro's Web Service Configuration Management (Metro CM). Monitoring enables one to view the state of the Metro runtime, whereas Metro CM is for (re)configuring a web service.

20.2. Enabling and Disabling Monitoring

Metro-based services have monitoring turned on by default.

Metro-based clients have monitoring turned off by default.

Clients are off by default because there is no standard way to dispose of a client and release its resources. Metro does include a proprietary method for disposing a proxy. Assuming you have an AddNumbers service:

Example 20.1. 

AddNumbersPortType port = new AddNumbersService().getAddNumbersPort();

If you enable client monitoring it is recommended you close client proxies when they are no longer used.

20.2.1. Enabling and disabling Metro monitoring via system properties

Metro has two system properties for controlling monitoring scoped to the JVM:

Example 20.2.

Setting either to false will disable all monitoring for Metro-based endpoints (i.e., web services) or clients, respectively, in a JVM.

20.2.2. Enabling and disabling endpoint monitoring via policy

Metro includes a policy assertion for enabling and disabling monitoring for specific services and endpoints. For an endpoint (using an AddNumbersService as an example):

Example 20.3. 

<service name="AddNumbersService">
    <port name="AddNumbersPort" binding="tns:AddNumbersPortBinding">

The ManagedService assertion is placed inside (or referenced from) the port element in the endpoint's WSDL (if creating a service from WSDL) or in the endpoint's configuration file (if creating a service from Java).

This assertion is used by both Metro CM and monitoring. See Metro CM for the meaning and operation of the management attribute.

Metro monitoring is turned off for the specific endpoint if the monitoring attribute is set to false. If the policy assertion or the monitoring attribute is not present, or the monitoring attribute is set to true then monitoring is turned on for that endpoint (unless endpoint monitoring is turned off for the JVM).

20.2.3. Enabling and disabling client monitoring via policy

For a client the ManagedClient assertion is used:

Example 20.4. 


This is placed inside the <service>/<port> element of the *.xml file corresponding to the service referenced from the src/java/META-INF/wsit-client.xml configuration file. (Note: the example path to the wsit-client.xml file is where the file is located when building using NetBeans.)

When the monitoring attribute of ManagedClient is set to true then monitoring will be turned on for that specific client (unless the client JVM property is set to false).

20.3. Monitoring Identifiers

20.3.1. Endpoint Monitoring Identifiers Default Endpoint Monitoring Identifiers

Each endpoint is given a unique monitoring identifier (also call "root name"). That identifier is made up of (in order):

  • The context path (if it is available).

  • The local part of the service name.

  • The local part of the port name.

For example, suppose one creates a web application with a context path of /AddNumbersService and a Metro web service is deployed under that context path with an AddNumbersService service name and a AddNumbersPort port name. Then the identifier will be:

Example 20.5. 


When deploying in GlassFish an INFO log message is output to GlassFish's server.log file when the monitoring root is created. In this example the message would be:

Example 20.6. 

Metro monitoring rootname successfully set to: amx:pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSEndpoint,name=/AddNumbersService-AddNumbersService-AddNumbersPort

The name part is the identifier. The amx:pp=... part reflects that this Metro endpoint is federated under GlassFish's AMX tree. Note: when deploying in non-GlassFish containers then Metro monitoring will be under a top-level node: com.sun.metro. User-assigned Endpoint Monitoring Identifiers

It is possible to give user-assigned identifiers to monitoring endpoints. Include an id attribute in the ManagedService policy assertion. For example:

Example 20.7. 


In this case, the INFO log will say:

Example 20.8. 

Metro monitoring rootname successfully set to: amx:pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSEndpoint,name=ExampleService

20.3.2. Client monitoring identifiers Default Client Monitoring Identifiers

Each client stub is given a unique monitoring identifier. That identifier is the endpoint address of the service it will communicate with. For example, for a client of the AddNumbersService above the identifier, as shown in GlassFish's log, will be:

Example 20.9. 

Metro monitoring rootname successfully set to: amx:pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSClient,name=http-//localhost-8080/AddNumbersService/AddNumbersService

(Note that ':' characters have been replaced with '-'. See below for more info.) User-assigned Client Monitoring Identifiers

To give a user-assigned identifier use the id attribute in the ManagedClient policy assertion.

20.3.3. Identifier Character Mapping

Some characters in a root name are converted to the '-' character. This is to avoid the need to quote characters that are not legal in JMX. The regular expression used to find and replace those characters is:

Example 20.10. 


20.3.4. Resolving Monitoring Root Name Conflicts

It is possible that two root names can be the same. This can happen when deploying web services with the same service name and port name under different context paths in non-GlassFish containers because the context path is not available to the naming mechanism when in other containers. This can also happen when two different proxies are communicating with the same service.

When root names clash, then the rootname has -<N> appended, where N is a unique integer.

20.4. Available Monitoring Information

To show what monitoring information is available we will use two tools:

Neither of these tools is officially supported by GlassFish nor Metro. However, they are useful for browsing the mbeans in a JVM.

The following screenshot shows one client and two services running inside the same instance of GlassFish.

Figure 20.1. Monitoring - One client and two services running inside the same instance of GlassFish

Monitoring - One client and two services running inside the same instance of GlassFish

Metro has five mbean types:

  • WSClient

    • General information for a client.

  • WSEndpoint

    • General information for an endpoint.

  • WSNonceManager

    • Nonce manager used by endpoints to prevent replay attacks.

    • This only exists on the endpoint side, scoped per-endpoint.

  • WSRMSCSessionManager

    • Manages Reliable Messaging (RM) and/or Secure Conversation (SC) sessions.

    • This only exists on the endpoint side, scoped per-endpoint.

  • WSRMSequenceManager

    • Manages Reliable Messaging sequences.

    • This exists on both client and endpoints sides, scoped per-stub and per-endpoint respectively.

In the screenshot there is

  • one client that is connected to the AddNumbersService

  • two endpoints: a /s17... service and an ExampleService

  • one WSNonceManager associated with the /s17... service

  • two WSRMSCSessionManagers, one for each of the two services

  • two WSRMSequenceManagers, one associated with the client, the other with ExampleService.

Using Jmxterm you can find these same mbeans (note: the output of beans show a lot of beans, this has been edited to only show Metro's mbeans):

Example 20.11. 

java -jar <Jmxterm-jar>
Welcome to JMX terminal. Type "help" for available commands.
$>open localhost:8686
#Connection to localhost:8686 is opened
#domain = amx:








20.4.1. WSClient Information

The following screenshot shows the top-level information available for each client:

Figure 20.2. Monitoring - top-level information available for each client

Monitoring - top-level information available for each client

  • Children: the WSRMSequenceManager that is used by this client.

  • Container: the container in which the client is deployed---in this case: GlassFish. Note that the actual container object has not been instrumented with monitoring so it Java class@address is printed.

  • Name: the root name given for this client.

  • Parent: show the WSClient under the AMX mbean.

  • qnameToPortInfoMap: an internal map used by the runtime system.

  • serviceClass: The SEI (service endpoint interface).

  • serviceName: From the WSDL.

  • wsdlDocumentLocation: Where the WSDL used to create the client lives. (Note: when a service is created using NetBeans it makes a local copy of the WSDL, therefore the example shows a file instead of an http location.)

  • wsdlService: an internal data structure that is not instrumented.

To see these attributes in jmxterm:

Example 20.12. 

$>bean amx:name=http-//localhost-8080/AddNumbersService/AddNumbersService,pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSClient

#class name = WSClient
# attributes
  %0   - Children ([;, r)
  %1   - Container (java.lang.String, r)
  %2   - Name (java.lang.String, r)
  %3   - Parent (, r)
  %4   - qnameToPortInfoMap (, r)
  %5   - serviceClass (java.lang.String, r)
  %6   - serviceName (java.lang.String, r)
  %7   - wsdlDocumentLocation (java.lang.String, r)
  %8   - wsdlService (java.lang.String, r)

$>get Name

Name = http-//localhost-8080/AddNumbersService/AddNumbersService;

20.4.2. WSEndpoint Information

Figure 20.3. Monitoring - WSEndpoint information

Monitoring - WSEndpoint information

  • Children: in this example there are two other mbeans associated with the example service.

  • addressingVersion: generally this will be W3C unless explicitly using a different version of addressing.

  • bindingID: the namespace for the type of binding used for the service.

  • dumpHTTPMessages: when set to true then HTTP messages received and sent by this service are "dumped" into the log file. It is possible to dynamically set this value. Just click on the value, type in the value and hit return using JConsole. In jmxterm:

    Example 20.13. 

    $>bean amx:name=ExampleService,pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSEndpoint
    $>set dumpHTTPMessages true

  • features: the "features" (see the JAX-WS specification) used in this endpoint. Using jmxterm (assuming the bean has been set as in dump above:

    Example 20.14. 

    $>get features
    features = [ { 
      enabled = true;
      iD =;
     }, { 
      enabled = true;
      iD =;
     } ];

  • jaxwsRuntimeVersion: the version of the JAX-WS specification which is implemented by Metro.

  • policy: A representation of the policy used by the endpoint. The entire policy is more easily viewed using jmxterm: $>get policy. Note: the format of the policy output can and will change.

  • portName: The WSDL port name.

  • seiModelWSDLLocation: not currently supported.

  • serviceDefinitionImports: a list of any of files imported by the main WSDL file for this service.

  • serviceDefinitionURL: the service's WSDL.

  • serviceName: The WSDL service name.

  • soapVersionHttpBindingId: The namespace of the HTTP binding.

  • wsdlEndpointAddress: this generally will not contain the real address since it depends on a client calling the service to exist and the value is taken before that happens.

  • wsdlPortTypeName: The WSDL port type.

20.4.3. WSNonceManager Information

This allows one to examine the contents of a nonce manager of a specific service. Using jmxterm:

Example 20.15. 

$>bean amx:name=NonceManager,pp=/mon/server-mon[server]/WSEndpoint[/s17-PingService-PingPort],type=WSNonceManager

$>get NonceCache

NonceCache = { 
  maxNonceAge = 900000;
  nonceCache = { 
    ( F2jz9MkcI9Gcshk1K0snDPhC ) = { 
      key = F2jz9MkcI9Gcshk1K0snDPhC;
      value = 2009-12-03T22:21:39Z;
  oldNonceCache = { 
  scheduled = true;
  wasCanceled = false;

20.4.4. WSRMSCSessionManager Information

Examine reliable messaging and secure conversation keys and sessions for a specific service. Using jmxterm:

Example 20.16. 

$>bean amx:name=RM_SC_SessionManager,pp=/mon/server-mon[server]/WSEndpoint[ExampleService],type=WSRMSCSessionManager

$>get keys

keys = [ uuid:8593cea6-9328-41fe-986a-abf0745c4470, uuid:0987fa78-cd7d-4c1c-9ec2-e849b7f68881 ];

$>get sessions

sessions = [ { 
  creationTime = 1259879310907;
  lastAccessedTime = 1259879310907;
  securityInfo = { 
    creationTime = null;
    expirationTime = null;
    externalId = null;
    identifier = null;
    issuedTokenContext = null;
    secret = null;
  sessionKey = uuid:8593cea6-9328-41fe-986a-abf0745c4470;
 }, { 
  creationTime = 1259866808000;
  lastAccessedTime = 1259866808000;
  securityInfo = { 
    creationTime = null;
    expirationTime = null;
    externalId = null;
    identifier = null;
    issuedTokenContext = null;
    secret = null;
  sessionKey = uuid:0987fa78-cd7d-4c1c-9ec2-e849b7f68881;
 } ];

20.4.5. WSRMSequenceManager Information

Figure 20.4. Monitoring - WSRMSequenceManager Information

Monitoring - WSRMSequenceManager Information

  • boundSequences: generally an inbound sequence will be bound to an outbound sequence so that requests and replies are reliable. This table gives the sequence identifiers for those pairs.

  • concurrentlyOpenedInbound: the number of inbound sequences opened.

  • persistent: true if using Metro's persistent reliable messaging.

  • sequences: a map from a sequence identifier to information on that sequence. In jmxterm:

    Example 20.17. 

    $>bean amx:name=RMSequenceManager,pp=/mon/server-mon[server]/WSEndpoint[ExampleService],type=WSRMSequenceManager
    $>get sequences
    sequences = { 
      ( uuid:5145de4e-618b-4da3-9004-c715770934d2 ) = { 
        key = uuid:5145de4e-618b-4da3-9004-c715770934d2;
        value = { 
          ackRequested = false;
          boundSecurityTokenReferenceId = null;
          closed = false;
          expired = false;
          hasUnacknowledgedMessages = true;
          id = uuid:5145de4e-618b-4da3-9004-c715770934d2;
          lastActivityTime = 1259880084724;
          lastMessageNumber = 1;
          state = CREATED;
      ( uuid:d16b0fb9-7e80-4598-a3e2-789c9bac9474 ) = { 
        key = uuid:d16b0fb9-7e80-4598-a3e2-789c9bac9474;
        value = { 
          ackRequested = false;
          boundSecurityTokenReferenceId = null;
          closed = false;
          expired = false;
          hasUnacknowledgedMessages = false;
          id = uuid:d16b0fb9-7e80-4598-a3e2-789c9bac9474;
          lastActivityTime = 1259880084724;
          lastMessageNumber = 1;
          state = CREATED;

  • uniqueEndpointId: An identifier used by the reliable messaging implementation. Note: this is not related to client and endpoint root name identifiers

20.5. Notes

The AMX mbean is created lazily. Therefore, if one deploys an endpoint in GlassFish and then looks for the Metro WSEndpoint mbeans using JConsole there are times where the AMX mbean does not appear. To activate it start up the asadmin GUI or CLI. Or use jmxterm and issue its domains command.

In some cases Metro endpoint mbeans will not appear until the endpoint receives its first client invocation.

WSClient mbeans can appear and disappear quickly if the stub is just used for one call then closed immediately. A stub that uses reliable messaging or secure conversation generally stays active longer since it will most likely be used for multiple calls.