Project meeting details

  • Sunday night: 9:30 pm PT
    Vince and Binod one-on-one
  • Monday morning: after 8:15 am PT
    Vince, Yvo and other interested parties
    send Vince an e-mail for dial-in details

SIP Tooling For NetBeans Project Meeting Minutes

The minutes are written reverse chronological order as a single file. This helps prevent a file explosion which makes creating a new wiki name harder. each meeting entry should have a summary at the top, with details filled in as needed. This page also provides a space to fill in the agenda for upcoming meetings. the agenda should be "final" about 24 hours before the meeting.





Random Notes

  • Versionning the test agent dependencies
    the test agent depends on a number of library wrappers. Some of these libraries are set in stone.. like javaee.jar. Others are much more fluid at this time like ssa-api.jar and sip-stack.jar. It would be nice to have the specification version for these two wrapper modules provide a pointer back towards the "source" of these jars. To provide a pointer, we will append the build number to the spec version. So, the spec version for the ssa-api library wrapper will be <sip-servlet-spec-version>.<build number> or 1.1.<build-number> and the sip-stack wrapper would be <sailfin version>.<build-number> or 1.0.<build-number>. The build number is based on the build number that the jar file was extracted from.

Another Look At ClickToDial

Project open issues

License headers for the code in sailfin/tools... resolved by email with Binod with sample

build instructions written for developers... there is really only one developer for the dev module and one developer for the test agent module, so this isn't critical.

build integrated with larger sailfin build

where will users get the plugin from. A NetBeans update center.. but which one: one of the NB update centers or an update center "hosted" by the sailfin project or...... Currently releasing this from the sailfin files repository.

Documentation for the tooling. the text for Help buttons. The on-line help. A developers guide? A tutorial? who will be writing it... need to talk to Ian

release engineering for the plugin/modules. do we have someone that is going to build and stage the plugin/modules?...

QA for the tooling. Do we have enough? can we get more from a community based approach. Do we have a community of users to draw from... or do we need to generate that user base also....