GlassFish Server Open Source Edition - v3 Requirements

GlassFish V1 focused on the Developer. GlassFish V2 added enterprise features. GlassFish V3 themes focus on ease of use, next generation applications, and advanced production features. Requirements are being gathered from existing Requests for Enhancements (RFEs), customer feedback and community participation.

To provide comments on requirements or to add a requirement, please use the comment link at the bottom of each page or start a thread in the GlassFish Users alias (preferable). When describing a requirement, please provide detail and justification, and link to as much relevant content you can find online.

Below is a table of linking to requirements grouped by category.

Category Comments Eng Owner
General Requirements Requirements that generally apply to GlassFish V3. dochez, All Module Leads
Administration improvements Improvements related to administration, including console, CLI, ease-of-use, serviceability, etc km, anilam, sreeni
Application Client Container Application Client Container (ACC ) improvements tjquinn
Deployment Improvements related to related to deployment hzhang_jn
CORBA Improvements related to related to CORBA kcavanaugh
Developer Experience Features that improve developer experience ludo, Peter Williams, hzhang_jn, tjquinn
Diagnostics/Serviceability Improvements related to administration, including console, CLI, ease-of-use, serviceability, etc km, sirajg, sreeni
EJB Improvements Improvements related to EJBs mk111283
High Availability High availability improvements lwhite
Java EE 6 Java EE 6 Support dochez, All Spec Implementation Leads
JBI Improvements JBI Improvements Mark White, Mike Wright
Installer Improvements to the installation experience. Sathyan, snjezana
Message Queue Improvements related to messaging Ramesh, Linda
JDBC, Persistence Improvements related to persistence (JPA, JDBC) Mitesh (mm110999), Jagadish
Security Improvements related to security monzillo, vbkumar
Transaction Manager Improvements related to transaction management sankar, marina
QA/Test Requirements for testing and quality assurance deepa
Web Services Improvements related to web services hcarr, jitu
Web Tier Improvements related to the web tier mode, jluehe, jfarcand